I can't believe it is already December! Yikes! I haven't even started thinking about Christmas knitting. All I can think about are baby knits!! Fortunately, I have stock piled some finished knitted items throughout the year. Just have to figure out what goes where.
So, finished knits. I did end up finishing the rainbow striped socks; and in less than a week. Definitely worth frogging!! They are plain, simple, and I love them.
I have a bunch of leftover rainbow yarn, so I made this baby hat:
Then I seemed to get on a kick of baby knitting. During a recent knit night, one of the knitters brought some of her leftover sock yarn and let everyone have at it. Now, I have a ton of these leftover sock yarn balls, but somehow when it comes from someone else and there are different colorways, it is just so much better. With the one ball I took, I made this hat:
I thought I had enough leftover still to make a pair of infant socks. I got this far on the second sock and ran out of yarn:
So clever knitter that I am, I ripped out the top part of the hat and knit off from the hat onto the unfinished sock and then finished the hat up again. Hopefully the hat will still be long enough. Here are the finished socks:
Next I decided to knit another pair of infant socks that would match the first baby sweater I made for our first baby. You would think that I would have learned my lesson. Here is the first sock:
And the second sock:
As you can see, I managed to do it again. Unfortunately, this time I did not have a rolled brim hat that I could steal some yarn from. Doesn't quite work the same with a finished baby sweater.
Recently, when listening to the Knitmore Girls Podcast, they advised that "it never hurts to ask." I am usually one that doesn't like to ask for help or especially for freebies. Don't get me wrong, I love freebies; I just don't like ASKING for them. But then I remembered the knitter from knit night who gave away all those leftover balls of sock yarn and thought I would turn to Ravelry.
I just have to say, knitter's are the nicest, coolest people ever!! Within a couple hours of posting my desperate request, a fellow knitter on Ravelry (who I did not know previously) offered to send me the required yarn to finish off my sock. Amazing!! And, to boot, she let me know that she wouldn't be able to mail it to me until Monday because she was in the process of moving. Are you kidding me!?! Awesome!!! There should definitely be some good knitter's karma coming her way.
So basically in the last month, I have been doing more knitting than blogging, which I sometimes feel bad about, but not really. Let's face it, it takes much longer to knit things to blog about than it does to actually type up the blog post. Besides how can you resist knitting when it's cold outside and this is your view from the couch:
(That boy LOVES the fire!).
Also a baby "bump" (more like bulge) update:
Thanksgiving, 31 weeks